Full text: Ivvenalis

TRO o 
Paffauieredeas.poftelates 5. 
Heaibe partus regum; votos. 5 
Pofivema pater [wnera cludis . 
Magno$ loui uictimacefus 
Sigea premis litora trunaus 
Alià lacrimas flectite ueftvas, 
Non efl Priamimiferanda mei 
Mors iiades. felix Priamus 
Dite eanci« . liber manes 7 
Vadit ad imos, nec fevet unquam 
Vincta Graium erui iugunte 
Non ille dos uidit Atvidas , 
Nec fallaem eruit Vb ffem . 
Non Avgoliapreda tviumphà 
S.biecla fevet ollatvophais. 
Non ajJuetas ad teptra manus 
Poft teven dabit. amus fequens 
A gamenmonios dwred' dextra 
Vmala grftans .. 
Latis fetpompa Mycmis. —. 
Felix Priamus diamus omnes , 
Seam excedens fua ve gna tulit. 
NuncEb[i nemoris mtus, 
Errat in umbris. inter pias 
?Felix animas Hecloraquerit. —- 
Felix Priamus . FELIX. QVISQVIS 
Bello moriens, omnia [eaim 
Con[umphs uidet . 

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