Full text: Dialogform und Argument

*Plato II [1972] = Plato. A collection of critical essays. II: Ethics, politics, 
and philosophy of art and religion, ed. by G. WVlastos, Garden City 
(N.Y.)/London 1972. 
#Plato’s Republic [1966] = Plato’s Republic. Interpretation and criticism, ed. 
by A. Sesonske, Belmont, California 1966. 
#Plato, Popper and politics [1967] = Plato, Popper and politics. Some 
contributions to a modern controversy, ed. by R. Bambrough [Views & 
Controversies about classical antiquity]l, Cambridge/New York 1967. 
*Plato, Totalitarian [1963] = Plato: Totalitarian or democrat? Essays, 
selected and introd. by T.L. Thorson, Englewood Cliffs (NJ) 1963. 
*Platonic investigations [1985] = Platonic investigations, ed. by D.J. 
O’Meara [Studies in Philos. and the history of Philos. 13], Washington 
D.C. 1985. 
*Platonic writings [1988] = Platonic writings, Platonic readings, ed. by C.L. 
Griswold, New York u.a. 1988, 
*Polis and Politics [1990] = Loizou, A./Lesser, H. (Hg.), Polis and politics. 
Essays in Greek moral and political philosophy, Aldershot 1990. 
*Political architecture [1994] = Whitehead, D. (Hg.), From political 
architecture to Stephanus Byzantius. Sources for the ancient Greek polis, 
Stuttgart 1993. 
*Politikbegriffe [1982] = Politikbegriffe, Neue Hefte für Philosophie 
(Göttingen) 21, 1982. 
*Politique d’Aristote [1964] = Stark, R. (Hg.), La “‘Politique’ d’Aristote, 
Geneve-Vandoeuvres 1964. 
Politische Ideen [1988] = Pipers Handbuch der politischen Ideen, Bd.I: 
Frühe Hochkulturen und europäische Antike, hg. v. 1. Fetscher und H. 
Münkler, München/Zürich 1988. 
*Politische Institutionen [1990] = Göhler, G. u.a. (Hg.), Politische 
Institutionen im gesellschaftlichen Umbruch. Ideengeschichtliche Beiträge 
zur Theorie politischer Institutionen, Opladen 1990. 
kPolitische Theorien [1991] = Lieber, H.-J. (Hg.), Politische Theorien von 
der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Bonn 1991. 
*Romantik, Literatur [1987] = Romantik, Literatur und Philosophie, hg. v. V. 
Bohn, Frankfurt 1987. 
*Sparta [1986] = Christ, K. (Hg.), Sparta, Darmstadt 1986. 
kSymposium Aristotelicum 11 [1990] = Aristoteles’ ‘Politik’. Akten des 11, 
Symposium Aristotelicum Friedrichshafen/Bodensee 25.8.-3.9.1987, hg. v- 
G. Patzig, Göttingen 1990. 
*Tradition platonicienne [1955] = Recherches sur la tradition platonicienne 
[Entretiens sur l’Antiquite& Classique 3], Vandeeuvres-Geneve 1955. 
*Understanding Political Spirit [1988] = Understanding the political spirit. 
Philosophical investigations from Socrates to Nietzsche, ed. by C.H. 
Zuckert, New Haven 1988. 
*Ungeschriebene Lehre [1972] = Das Problem der ungeschriebenen Lehre 
Platons, hg.v. J. Wippern, Darmstadt 1972. 
*Utopie und Tradition [1987] = Utopie und Tradition. Platons Lehre vom 
Staat in d. Moderne, hg. v. H. Funke, Würzburg 1987.

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