Full text: Dialogform und Argument

A. Platon (Pl.) 
Apologie (Ap.) 
29d7-e3 214 
30a7-b4 214 
40c5-9 170 
Definitionen (Def.) 
413a7 234 
Epistula VII (Ep. VID) 
324b8-326b4 64. 87 
324c1-325a5 99 
325b5-c5 87 
326d4 87 
332e5ff. 75 
Gorgias (Grg.) 
449 b4-c6 253 
179a3 74 
492b3 74 
493a3-4 170f. 
524b2-c1 170 
525d4 74 
525d7 74 
526b4 74 
Hippias Maior (Hp.Ma.) 
300b4-302b4 210 
Kriton (Cri.) 35 
52e5-6 69. 81 
53a1l 78 
Lysis (Ly.) 
210b1-2 78 
Menon (Men.) 
86b5-c3 36 
Nomoi (Lg.) 
Buch I 
630a2 73 
534c1 73 
634d5 81 
6542e6-7 81 
Buch II 
674a4 81 
Buch II 
676a5-6 135 
676c2-4 135 
680 b1ff. 74 
680b2-3 78 
680e2e6-681d6 74 
683a2 81 
691d8-692b1 84 
693d2-7 76 
693e5-8 84 
693e7-8 81 
701b5 107 
3uch IV 
7092e6-712a3 74. 77. 147-149 
710d6-711a3 149 
710e7 74 
111d7 74 
712b8-e8 84 
N2c4 87 
712d2-2e5 80 
715b2-6 194 
Buch V 
731b3 234 
731d4 234 
73347-734e2 66 
739a6-7 50 
739b3 5S0 
Buch VI 
777e3 74 
Buch VII 
802a4 73 
Buch VIH 
829b2-3 191 
832b10-c3 194 
832c1-2 87 
832c2-3 80 
836b5-6 81 
842b3-5 81 
Buch IX 
863b1-4 216

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