Full text: 1370 - 1398 (6)

Burtvelde — Clawese, 
2831, 413, — Henning (1392) 1145, — 
Hermann (1885) 672. 
Burtvelde s. Bortfeld. 
Busch, Burchard, mil. (1896) 1384, 
Busdorf 8. Paderborn. 
Busse quidam (1894) 1269. — Andreas 
4%. Kurd (1383) 579. — Dietrich 
(1876 —78) 281, 818. — Heinrich cler. 
dioc. Hild, (1878) 304, — Tile, Bür- 
germ, Hild. — Tile Vogt d. Neu- 
stadt Hild. (1880) 431. — Tile (1880) 
Bussonis, Dietrich, mag. civ. Hild, — 
Heinrich. cler, (1374) 187, 
Buteko, Heinrich, mon. st. Godeh. 
Hild. — Heinrich profess, Marien- 
Butwegis, Heinrich (1889) 914, 
Butzeke, Johann, canon. st. Maurice, 
Hild, (0b nicht Lutzeke zu lesen ?). 
Buxtehude, Stadt 939, 
C (vgl. K). 
Calbecht, -te, Amt Salder 546 (S, 390) 
— pgleban, (allgem.) 154. 
Calm s. Kalme. 
Camin, dioc. 8, 161. — episcop. Philipp 
(13874) 161. — vicidom. Bernhard v. 
Zuden, !canon. (1371—78) 4, 107, — 
prepos. Nicolaus (1377) 285A. — de- 
can, o. N. (1374) 120. 
Campe, Kampen, Kanpen, von: der 
(1373) 97. — Bertold, canon., decan. 
st. Mauric. Hild., thesaurar. Magde- 
burg. — Gerhard (1376) 222, — Gott- 
schalk (1388—97) 859, 1423. — Gott- 
schalk, canon, Hild., decan. Bremen, 
— Heinrich fam. (1377) 248. — Her- 
mann (13876) 222. — Johann (1876 
—97) 222, 1425, — Johann cler. (1374) 
146. — Johann canon, Hild. — Johann 
rector alt. st. Petr. et Paul. in cap. 
st. Spirit. Braunschweig. — Imdeke 
(1397) 1423, — Otto, abb, st. Mich. 
Hild. — Stacius (1397) 1428. 
Hildesh, UB, VI. 
' Canyz, Bertold (1886) 737, 
Canter, Iohann, cler, dioc. Hild, (1372 
—73) 76, 98. 
Capellen, Engele, s. Fr. Grete u. Kd. 
Geseke u. Kunne (1374) 164. 
Carbetonensis, Richard (1392) 1098. 
cardinales 1268, 
Franciscus tit, st. Susanne presb. 
card. (1898) 1581. 
Landulfus tit, st. Nicolai in carc. 
Tull. (1898) 1485, 
Marinus s, Hild. st. Maurice, prepos. 
Petrus tit. st. Praxedis (1378) 92. 
Philippus episc. Ostiensis (1895) 
Pileus tit, st. Praxedis presb. cardin. 
(1379—80) 882, 892, 
Stephanus st. Eusebii (1873) 98, 
Carmeliterorden 1287, 
Üarpentarii, Dietrich cleric, (1874) 122. 
— Dietrich pleban. Elbe. 
Catino, Nardo de, de Urbe (1892) 
Cellator, Hermann, canon, st. Sim, et 
Jud. Goslar, 
Celle, Ausstellungsort 10, 541. — von: 
Bernhard, pleban. Himstedt, 
Cergenix, Michael (1392) 1098, 
Chartreuse s. Karthäuserorden. 
Chiemsee, episc. Albert (1812) N, 45, 
Citeaux, Cisterciensis ordo 551, 1059, 
1405. — Generalkapitel, abbas: Jo- 
hann 1355 N. 61. 
Üitrensis (Citrum in Makedonien) epi- 
scop. frater Wilhelm. vicar. general. 
in pontific. episcopi Hild. (1384—98) 
612, 1207, 
Ulamator, Heinrich, cler. dioc. Schwe- 
rin (18375) 182. 
Clapschove, Heinrich, pleban, st. Al- 
bani Göttingen, . ; 
Clare quidam (1895) 1298. — Tilike 
(1893) 1200. 
Clarymbeke, unbest. 639. ) 
Clawese, Claweses, Clauw., Hans 
(1878) 949 (S, 244), — Hartwich, 

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