Full text: Die grammatische Einleitung zum samaritanischen Hebräisch anhand des Kitāb Al-Muġnīya Fī Kitābi T-Tauṭi'A von Al-Kāhenu l-Kabīr Al-Āzar b. Fiṇhās As-Sāmirī

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(Siehe Casparis Arab. Gramm. S. 25 :"Pron. sevaratu und 
Pron, kunjunctum. ") 
12)ad-damIru ‚l-bärez yuktabu wa-yulfazu, wa-yaqa*u Iil-kalämi 
Vergl. A1lT Ridas al-marfiCu fil-lugati 1-“%arabiyyati, Bd.I 
5. 25 ;C. Steuernagel Hebr. Gramm. $24,1l1a S.38. Dazu Wright's 
Arab. Gramm, Vol. I p.55 %$85-88 :"The personal pronoun[damir, 
mudmar;see$190,f. ] is either separate [munfasel],standing 
by itself, or conmnectedfüttasilun],that is prefixed or suffixe@d. 
The separate pronouns have longer ‚the connected shorter _ 
forms.The suffixed pronouns are partly nominal,vartly verbal 
suffixs.The verbal suffixes express partly the‘ nominative, 
partly the accusative. The former are more closely united. 
with the verb than the latter.(S. oben Anmm. 9-11). 
13)ad-damIr ‚L-muttasel ‚siehe oben Anm. 12. Yerg1.°41T Ridas : 
ai fil-lugati -1-°arabiyyati BA. I S.26 ;C. Steuernagel, 
Hebr. Gramm. $24,2e-g 8.39. ; 
14) mä ittasala bifi“lin ‚Siehe oben Anm. 12. 
15)0ben Anm.1l2 ‚ma ittasala bifiClin wahuwa fa“iluhu.Vergl. 
Ibn Hixäm , Qatrun-nadä 8.97 ; RidZs al-margi u BA. I S.29; 
Steuernagel, ‚Hebr. Gramm. $$24,56-57,57 und76.

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