Full text: Orationes Multifariæ

Afini Aurei bradeata concmatio qua; cum ex Lucia' 
ni filis texta fit.cumcp ex Luciani racemis Lucius no 
fler uindemiatn fibi collegerit no intempefliuum erit 
pauca quedam fuper Luciano pcrcenfere, 8C quonia 
haec Metamorphofisidefl: Afini Aurei tran figuratio 
referri cbducenter potefl ad pythagoricam Metepfy/ 
chofin atq’ palingenefian ldeft tranfanimationem re/ 
generationemq^non pigebit de pythagora Mox de 
pythagorico Apollonio Tyaneo prolixius fabulari: 
necnon de magia non nulla digna fcitu nec indigna 
relatu fermocinaritVosut cepiftis quefo diligenter 

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