Full text: Orationes Multifariæ

VngSento/Ambrofia/Toro foiiebit 
Tunc molli fatur educatione 
Fies delicium tui patroni/ 
Guftabifcj; rofas / eris T orofuS 
Splendens Floridus aureufq? Afellus* 
I dextro pede/Sidere & fecundo 
Fcelix pannoniam petas Afelle* 
Opus Philippi Beroaldi / quo Orationes 8£ poemata 
continentur/Impreffum a Benedicto Bibliopo' 
ia/Anno Salutis Millefimo quigenteft/ 
rno.Cal. Nouembribus, Inclyto 
lo.ii.BentiuoIo Rei.Pu.Bo 
noniefis Moderatore 
Saluberrimo >

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