Full text: Ivvenalis

P afatur artus s rejonant aures 
Snllat$; niger navis adunce 
ur. ^E 
Cruor ,et uenas vumpit biantes V 
Intima creber fera quafJat. 
Genitus flvidens. tmc amplexu —. 
a are Ee epo 
Frigida preffo faxa fatigant : 
Quos liberior domus elato 3^ 57. 
' T e; Ln "A tes. 
Cuffoa ie. finit pens fantes.,... 
Alisrás fins late imgrflo .— 
we e 
Proflvafa tacet turba exdentim, 
Oratd mori . folum boc facles*"*7 
"T ribuere dei , delubra petunt 
Haud ut uoto numina placent. |... 
Sed iuuat ipfos fatiéredeos ....... 
Quis nam ille propero ve giam eveffu pent: 
A deff ne clarus fanguine , ac factis Creot ? 
An eger animus falfa. pro ueris uidet? 
A deff petitus enmibus wotis Creon . 
Trimetri, et Tetrametri, Lonbia , oam quibufdam 
ExametYis.  OEDIPVS. CREON., 
h^ Orrore quatiov fita quo uergent timens. 
pl, . 39 
E repidumf gemino pectus euenti labat 
VBILAÉT A DVRIS mixta in dmbigyoiaent, 
Tncertis animus foré oum. ewpidt timet. 
Gefmane wofire axiwgis feffisopem 
Siquam vepartas' woe properat edom. —. € 
RefPon[a. dubia [orte perplexa lant 4— ^ . Gt

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