Full text: Ivvenalis

TRO |, 
punt ifla uenient imterim bec penain loo eft. 
Sortem ocaipaui , premium eripuit mibi. 
Sed indtato Pyrrhus. acairrit gradu . 
Vuli toruoP»yrrhe quid efje: ?age. 
Reclude ferropectus ,et Achillis mi. 
Coniunge foteros,, pergemadiaterfenm. — 
Et hic deat te fangyis ,abreptam trahit. —— 
Maaiate fuperos cede fanefla deos, ^— 
Maailate Manes . quid précer uobis ? prec 
His digna facris equora hoc clajt acidat — 
Ton Pelafg ,udtbus hoc mille acidat, 
Mee precibor eim uebar. quidquid Tati». 
d — vlem&rerepopulodolentum, —— 
^c Dulfelaments refomare genes, 
Lentius luctus lacrime mordent, 
T urba quas fletu fimili frequentat , 
Semper ha femper -..— 
Dolor , ct magnus guudet in. multos 
Sua FCR fe non [olum : - 
Plaaiffe pone 7 . Husfiohe s 
FERRE QV AM SORTEM patiuntur omes . 
NemoTeajat. — 0 iue 
Nen fe credit wiferum, liat fit 
TT olle-feliees , remoueto multo 
Diuitts,quro, remoueto centi... dl 
Rura. qui fandant opulentubobus ,,..— 
P uper? (urgent animi iacentes... MEET 

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