Full text: Dialogform und Argument

Vlastos [1984] = Vlastos, G., Happiness and virtue in Socrates’ moral theory, 
PCPhS 30, 1984, 181-213. 
Vlastos [1991] = Vlastos, G., Socrates. Ironist and moral philosopher, 
Cambridge 1991. 
Vlastos [1993] /FS = Irwin, T./Nussbaum, M.C. (Hg.), Virtue, love and 
form. Essays in memory of G. Vlastos, Edmonton 1993. 
Vlastos [1994] /KS = WVlastos, G., Socratic studies, ed. by M. Bumyeat, 
Cambridge 1994. 
Voegelin [1957] = Voegelin, E., Order and history, vol.IlI: Plato and 
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Vogel [1951] = Vogel, C.J.de, Examen critique de l’interpretation 
traditionelle du platonisme, RMM 56, 1951, 249-268. 
Vogel [1986] = Vogel, C.J.de, Rethinking Plato and Platonism, Leiden 1986. 
Voigtländer [1980] = Voigtländer, H.-D., Der Philosoph und die Vielen. 
Wiesbaden 1980. 
Volkmann-Schluck [1974] /FS = Sein und KGeschichtlichkeit. K.-H. 
Volkmann-Schluck zum 60. Geburtstag, Frankfurt 1974. 
Voudouris [1970] = Voudouris, K.I., YuxY]) xaı molıteia, Athen 1970. 
Vourveris [1954] = Vourveris, K.I., Midtwv xar ıotogLA, Platon 6, 1954, 
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Vourveris [1983] /FS = Agetng UwMuUN. Aqıkowua eıg umuUNvV TtovV K.l, 
Bovoßton, Athen 1983. 
Vretska [1953a] = Vretska, K., Typische und polare Darstellung bei Platon, 
SO 30, 1953, 42-55. 
Vretska [1956a] = Vretska, K., Platonica: I. Zum Kompositionsprinzip der 
Mitte bei Platon. II. Zum Gebrauch des Bildes bei Platon, Gymnasium 63. 
1956, 406-420. 
Vretska [1958 a] = Platon, Der Staat, übers. u. hg. von K. Vretska, Stuttgart 
1958 (und ND). 
Vries [1969] = Vries, G.J.de, A commentary on the Phaedrus of Plato, 
Amsterdam 1969. 
Vries [1979] = Vries, G.J.de, Helping the writings, MH 36, 1979, 60-62. 
Vries [1980] = Vries, G.J.de, Once more helping the writings, MH 37, 1980, 
VS = Diels, H., Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, hg. v. W. Kranz, SBerlin 
Walsh [1962] = Walsh, W.H., Plato and the philosophy of history: History 
and theory in the Republic, History and theory (Den Haag) 2, 1962, 3-16. 
Wartofsky [1971] = Wartofsky, M.W., The Republic as myth: The dilemma 
of philosophy and politics, The Philosophy Forum (De Kalb) 10, 1971, 

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