Full text: Die grammatische Einleitung zum samaritanischen Hebräisch anhand des Kitāb Al-Muġnīya Fī Kitābi T-Tauṭi'A von Al-Kāhenu l-Kabīr Al-Āzar b. Fiṇhās As-Sāmirī

or "al-mausülu-1-T'ismiyyum the noun that is united(with & 
relative clause), as ooposed to  Fal-gilatu„ the relative 
clause itself. 0 ; 
10)1ä yatimmu Zuz!uhl 1115 bigsilatin wa-CAtidin. Vergl. Wright's 
Arab. Gramm.II, $1753 ‚p.319D "The qualificative sentence | 
necessarily contains a pronoun(al-*ä'idu or al-räkisu), ref£rring 
to the qualified noun and connectinz it with the qualificative 
SeNtenlex. a 
Dazu 8175 p.3210-D und p.522A :;"The syntactical place of our 
relative pronoun is supplied by a prondun in the conjunctive 
sentence, which falls back upon the conjunctive noun and agrees 
with it in gender and number. This pronoun is called by the 
grammarians "al-damIru-1-°Z'adu (al-cZ%itu) 118 1-mausüälig 
+he pronoun which returns to, or falls back upon, the conjunctive 
noun, or simply "al-*a'idun or al-räßitu wa UT 
11)88ar ; mT 2: m& VS 
12)#3ar °33a müsi ‚die, Mose tat, [Dt 34,12]. 
13) mi yey-yi miS%amü 81 ‚"Weh! wer wird leben, sobald Gott 
ihn einsetzt? (ins Strafamt),[Num. 24,231. 
"min ist nicht relativisch sondern interrogativisch gebraucht. 
14) wnereti ma yey-yi S1lämütoa, "und wir wollen sehen, w&@s aus seinen 
Fräumen wird„.[Gn 37,20]. 
15)Zu den Anmerkungen 12-14 vergl. Bertsch ‚, Hehr. 
828,4 3.52.

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