Full text: Musenrede und "geometrische Zahl"

36b4 32 
3943-4 1Sf. 
41a8-b1 106 
42a2-c3 109 
43d5 31 
54a2 45 
B. Andere Autoren 
73d4 45 
77b4 114 
81b5 3Sf. 
88c5 93 
89b5 108 
9128 45 
B. Andere Autoren 
Alexander Aphrodiniensis 
(Alex. Aphr.) 
in Aristotelis Metaphysica com- 
mentar. (in Metaph.), ed. Hayduck 
p.75,27-32 30f. 62 
Aristophanes (Ar.) 
Ranae (Ra.) 
922-930 97 
939-991 140 
1110-1118 140 
Archytas (Archyt. VS 47) 
A17 19 
B2 32 
B3 54 
Aristoteles (Arist.) 
Analytica Priora (APr.) 
41a26-27 48f. 
de Anima (de An.) 
406 b 26-407b11 57 
409a9-10 114 
411b19-21 114 
413b 7-8 114 
Ethica Eudemia (EE) 
1249a7-8 54 
Ethica Nicomachea (EN) 
1131a10-b 24 54 
Historia Animalium (HA) 
522a31 49 
Metaphysica (Metaph.) 
985b23-986a26 19 
985b26-32 19 
986a9-10 15 
987b 10-13 108 
1080b19 107f. 
1083b 8-19 19 
1084a29 25f. 
1084a32 15 
Meteorologica (Mete.) 
355b32-356a33 57 
Magna Moralia (MM) 
1182a (I 1,6,4-5) 45 
1193b37-1194 a 25 
(I 33, 9-11) 54 
Physica (Ph.) 
188a22 43 
203a13-15 46 
209a4-6 33 
Poetica (Po.) 
1448 b38-1449a2 97 
Politica (Pol.) 
1270a9-11 121 
1270 a33-34 113 
1286 b 25-27 121 
1301a19-1302a15 55 
1302b33-1303a3 85f. 
1316a1-17 70 
1316a1-b27 56-59 
1316a3-17 57 
1316a4-5 105 
1316a4-9 58 
1316 a5-8 42-44 
1316a7 62 
1339a11-1342b 34 132 
Topica (Top.) 
106 a38-b1 48f. 
142b24 33 
Aristides Quintilianus 
(Aristid. Quint.) 
Ill 23,1-38 62 
Cicero (Cic.) 
Epistulae ad Atticum (Att.) 
VII 13,5,2 7 
Clearchus Soleus 
Fr.3 (ed. Wehrli) 60

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