Full text: Musenrede und "geometrische Zahl"

Diogenes Laö&rtius (D.L.) 
IN 24 45 
Euripides (E.) 
Medea (Med. 
830-832 41 
Euclides (Euc.) 
VI8 83 
VII Def.2 26 
VII Def.13 27 
VII Def.14 27 
VII Def.18 47 
VII Def.20 50 
VII Def.22 15 
VII 12 78 
VIII 19 78 
VII 21 78 
X Def.2 47 
SGorgias (Gorg. VS 82) 
B3 139 
B1l1 139 
B11,9 141 
Geometrica (Geom.) 
8,1,1-7 76 
9,1,1-7 76 
Opera (Op.) 
106-201 169 
383-395 112 
409-413 112 
414-422 112 
447-452 112 
457-463 112 
479-482 112 
Theogonia (Th.) 
26 101 
27£. 95f. 
75-93 141f. 
114 156 
613 167 
Hippocrates Chius (VS 42) 
A4 79 
[amblichus (Iamb.) 
in Nicomachi arithmeticam intro- 
duct. (in Nic.), edd. Pistelli/Klein 
p.82,21 6 
p.93-95 79f. 
de vita Pythagorica (VP) 
27,130f. 62 
[lias (Il.) 
I 132 167 
VI 211 168 
XVI 112f. 156. 164 
XX 161 114 
XX 241 168 
Isocrates (Isoc.) 
or.7,21-22 54 
or.10,1-5 139 
Melissus (Meliss. VS 30) 
B2 105 
Nicomachus Gerasenus (Nicom.) 
Arithmetica Introductio (Ar.) 
II 23-25 55 
HN 24,11 6 
Odyssea (Od.) 
IX 255 114 
XXIII 245 114 
XXIII 444 114 
Pausanias (Paus.) 
II 31,3 141 
Philo (Ph.) 
De decalogo 
26,3-28,1 33 
De opificio mundi 
102,7-9 33 
102,9-11 33f. 
Philolaus (Philol. VS 44) 
A133 27 
B6 38 
[Ps.-Philol.] B11 15. 36. 60 
Pindarus (Pi.) 
Nemea (N.) 
6,9-11 112 
11,39-42 112 
Plutarchus (Plu.) 
Moralia (mor.) 
373f 61 
373f4 6 
Proclus (Procl.) 
in primum Euclidis librum commen- 
carius (in Euc.), ed. Friedlein 
p.8,14 29 
p.428,1-3 62 
p.428,7-429,8 76

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